궁셔리 life

[How to use bus in Seoul] Public Transportation in Seoul- Bus 본문

Tips for Traveling in Korea/transportation

[How to use bus in Seoul] Public Transportation in Seoul- Bus

궁셔리여사 2019. 6. 29. 13:58


「How to Ride a Bus in Seoul」

                                             written by Susan Lim


Seoul has an incredibly extensive subway

network system. It makes your travel easy.

 But sometimes, the easiest way to go

somewhere is by bus in Seoul.


Why? Not every spot in Seoul can be

reached by the subway, or at least

not by the subway alone.





[How to use bus in Seoul]


Seoul bus network

 is also more extensive than other cities,

 but also seemingly more complex to

 understand. Let's explore the 

Seoul bus system as follow.


#Types of bus in Seoul

#How to pay for bus in Seoul

#How to ride a bus in Seoul

#Transportation fare in Seoul





[ Types of Bus in Seoul ]

In Seoul, the buses are divided into color

groups based on their routes.


Blue buses

travel on major roads and run for

relatively long distances through Seoul.


Green buses

travel shorter distances and carry

travelers between transfer points

such as subway stations and longer

bus routes.


Red buses

are express buses that travel from

Seoul to suburban areas such as

Ilsan, Bundang and Yongin, etc.


Yellow buses

operate on a closed circuit within a

district of Seoul, connecting with other

blue buses and main subway stations. 





[ How to pay for bus in Seoul ]

Bus fare can be paid either by cash

or transportation card like T-money

card when boarding.


T-money clearly save your money.

why? each ride for buses or subway

is cheaper than cash payment. 




[T-money card]



In additjion,

if using a transportation card, you can

get a transfer discount when changing

to the subway or another bus line.

To receive the discount, be sure to tap

your card on the card reader by the exit

doors before getting off the bus and

you must transfer within the time limit.

 usually 30 minutes

between 21:00-07:00, 1 hour


 As cash payment cannot receive any

transfer discount, it is highly

recommended to use a transportation

card like T-money card.










[ Seoul Transportation Fare ]

(Transportation Card vs. Cash)

[Seoul Transportaion fare]






[How to ride a bus in Seoul ]


Upon boarding the bus, place your card

on the sensor located at the front of

the bus until it beeps. The sensor will

display the amount charged on the top

and the remaining balance of your card

at the bottom.





When you’re approaching your stop,

don’t forget to press the red button

that you can find on walls, bars and

ceiling. Some buses have screens that

will show the name of the current and

next stops, but sometimes the screens

are not visible or not turned on.






Before getting off the bus, place the

transportation card on the sensor

located at the rear doors of the bus

until it beeps.

If you do not tap your card before

getting off the bus, you will not be able

to benefit from the transfer discount.





Useful Tip :

If you are more than one person ride

with just one transportation card,

you can tell the driver the number

of people before tapping the card.

If you can’t speak Korean,

just point with your fingers.

Wait a second after saying the numer

of passengers. The driver will change

the setting of the card scanner.



Now, you master how to ride a bus

in Seoul. If you want to get information

about subway in Seoul click below.


[How to Use Seoul Subway] Public Transportation In Seoul - Subway


